Don Quijote de la Mancha : primera parte

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de 1547-1616

Don Quijote de la Mancha : primera parte / Miguel de Cervantes - Barcelona : Random House Mondadori, 2005. - 694 pages : 18 cm. - Autores españoles e iberoamericanos .

Part I

Includes: introduction written by Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, footnotes, a chronology, and an essential bibliography, as well as discussion proposals surrounding the reading.

Un éxito desde su publicación en dos partes (1605 y 1615), Don Quijote de la Mancha es con toda seguridad la mayor novela jamás escrita. Cuenta la historia de un hidalgo que, enloquecido por la lectura excesiva, recorre España en busca de aventura, justicia y gloria. Las múltiples interpretaciones de la obra reflejan su riqueza de significados y contenido: una crítica de las novelas de caballerías, la contraposición entre realismo e idealismo, o una sátira de las ilusiones cortesanas. Con las divertidas andanzas de su ingenioso protagonista, Cervantes retrató la complejidad de lo humano y dio al arte literario su más alta expresión. A success since its publication in two parts (1605 and 1615), Don Quixote of La Mancha is undoubtedly the greatest novel ever written. It tells the story of a nobleman who, driven mad by excessive reading, travels through Spain in search of adventure, justice, and glory. The multiple interpretations of the work reflect its richness of meaning and content: a critique of chivalric novels, the juxtaposition between realism and idealism, or a satire of courtly illusions. Through the amusing adventures of its ingenious protagonist, Cervantes portrayed the complexity of humanity and gave literary art its highest expression.


Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de--1547-1616--Don Quixote
Chivalry and idealism
Friendship and loyalty
Knights and knighthood--Spain

Spain--Classic literature
Spain--Fiction--16th century--Social life and customs

Historical fiction
Action and adventure fiction

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