Images of organization - Los Angeles ; London ; New Delhi ; Singapore ; Washington DC ; Melbourne SAGE, 2006 - xv, 504 p. : ill. ; 23 cm.

PART I: AN OVERVIEW 1. INTRODUCTION 3-- PART II: SOME IMAGES OF-- ORGANIZATION-- 2. MECHANIZATION TAKES COMMAND:-- ORGANIZATIONS AS MACHINES 11-- Machines, Mechanical Thinking,-- and the Rise of Bureaucratic Organization 13-- The origins of Mechanistic Organization 15-- Classical Management Theory:-- Designing Bureaucratic Organizations 18-- Scientific Management 22-- Strengths and Limitations of the Machine Metaphor 26-- 3. NATURE INTERVENESS:-- ORGANIZATIONS AS ORGANISMS 33-- Discovering Organizational Needs 34-- Recognizing the Importance of Environment:-- Organizations as Open Systems 38-- Contingency Theory:-- Adapting Organization to Environment 42-- The Variety of the Species 49-- Contingency Theory: Promoting-- organizational Health and Development 54-- Natural Selection: The Population-Ecology-- View of Organizations 59-- Organizational Ecology: The Creation of Shared Futures 62-- Strengths and Limitations of the Organismic Metaphor 64-- 4. LEARNING AND SELF-ORGANIZATION:-- ORGANIZATIONS AS BRAINS 71-- Images of the Brain 72-- Organizations as Information Processing Brains 76-- Creating Learning Organizations 81-- Cybernetics, Learning, and Learning to Learn 81-- Can Organizations Learn to Learn? 84-- Guidelines for ?Learning Organizations? 87-- Organizations as the Holographic Brains 97-- Principles of Holographic Design 99-- Strengths and Limitations of the Brain Metaphor 112-- 5. CREATING SOCIAL REALTY:-- ORGANIZATIONS AS CULTURES 115-- Culture and Organization 116-- Organization as a Cultural Phenomenon 116-- Organization and Cultural Context 118-- Corporate Cultures and Subcultures 125-- Creating Organizational Reality 134-- Culture: Rule Following or Enactment? 134-- Organization: The Enactment of a Shared Reality 137-- Strengths and Limitations of the Culture Metaphor 140-- 6. INTERESTS, CONFLICT, AND POWER:-- ORGANIZATIONS AS POLITICAL SYSTEMS 149-- Organizations as Systems of Government 151-- Organizations as Systems of Political Activity 156-- Analyzing Interests 157-- Understanding Conflict 163-- Exploring Power 166-- Managing Pluralist Organizations 194-- Strengths and Limitations of the Political Metaphor 202-- 7. EXPLORING PLATO?S CAVE:-- ORGANIZATIONS AS PSYCHIC PRISONS 207-- The trap of Favored Ways of Thinking 208-- Organization and the Unconscious 212-- Organization and Repressed Sexuality 212-- Organization and the Patriarchal Family 218-- Organization, Death, and Immortality 219-- Organization and Anxiety 221-- Organization, Dolls, and Teddy Bears 227-- Organization, Shadow, and Archetype 230-- The unconscious: A Creative and Destructive Force 234-- Strengths and Limitations-- of the Psychic Prison Metaphor 235-- 8. UNFOLDING LOGICS OF CHANGE:-- ORGANIZATION AS FLUX AND TRANSFORMATION 241-- Autopoiesis: Rethinking Relations With the Environment 243-- Enactment as a form of Narcissism: Organizations-- Interact with Projections of Themselves 246-- Identity and Closure:-- Egocentricism Versus Systemic Wisdom 248-- Shifting ?Attractors?: The Logic of-- Chaos and Complexity 251-- Managing in the Midst of Complexity 255-- Loops Not Lines: The Logic of Mutual Causality 263-- Contradiction and Crisis: The Logic of Dialectical Change 273-- Dialectical Analysis:-- How Opposing Forces Drive change 275-- The Dialectics of Management 280-- Strengths and Limitations of-- the Flux and Transformation Metaphor 287-- 9. THE UGLY FACE: ORGANIZATIONS AS-- INSTRUMENTS OF DOMINATION 291-- Organization as Domination 293-- How Organizations Use and Exploit their Employees 297-- Organization, Class, and Control 298-- Work Hazards, Occupational Disease,-- and Industrial Accidents 304-- Workaholism and Social and Mental Stress 213-- Organizational Politics and-- the Radicalized Organization 313-- Multinationals and the World Economy 315-- The multinationals as World Powers 319-- Multinationals: A Record of Exploitation? 322-- Strengths and Limitations of the Domination Metaphor 330-- PART III: IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE-- 10. THE CHALLENGE OF METAPHOR 337-- Metaphors Create Ways of-- Seeing and Shaping Organizational Life 338-- Seeing, Thinking, and Acting in New Ways 341-- 11. READING AND SHAPING ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE 345-- The Multicom Case 346-- Interpreting Multicom 349-- Developing a Detailed Reading and ?Storyline? 351-- Multicom from Another View 358-- ?Reading? and Emergent Intelligence 361-- 12. POSTSCRIPT 363-- Bibliographic Notes 423-- 1: Introduction 367-- 2: The Machine Metaphor 369-- 3: The Organismic Metaphor 374-- 4: The Brain Metaphor 379-- 5: The Culture Metaphor 386-- 6: The Political Metaphor 390-- 7: The Psychic Prison Metaphor 395-- 8: The Flux and Transformation Metaphor 401-- 9: The Domination Metaphor 410-- 10: The Challenge of Metaphor 417-- 11: Reading and Shaping Organizational Life 418-- 12: Postscript 421-- Bibliography 423-- Index 000--

Since its first publication over twenty years ago, Images of Organization has become a classic in the canon of management literature. The book is based on a very simple premise that all theories of organization and management are based on implicit images or metaphors that stretch our imagination in a way that can create powerful insights, but at the risk of distortion. Gareth Morgan provides a rich and comprehensive resource for exploring the complexity of modern organizations internationally, translating leading-edge theory into leading-edge practice. ; ; This new Updated Edition preserves Morgans renowned creative images and metaphors while refreshing the references and tables. The addition of a preface situates this classic theory in todays business environment while the instructors resources (now available on CD) aid classroom teaching. ; ; Images of Organization challenges and reshapes how we think about organization and management in the most fundamental way. The new Updated Edition makes this monumental work available to a new generation of students and business leaders worldwide.



Organizational behavior