Future Inc - American Management Association (AMACOM), 2007 - 264 p. ; 24 cm

how business can anticipate and profit from what's next

Introduction: Today's chaos, tomorrow's opportunity pt. 1. Tools and techniques. Futurism: the antidote to chaos-- Systems thinking: a superhighway to change-- Analyzing trends: real change vs. media hype-- Into the future: making judgments, evaluating forecasts-- Strategic implications: what the future means to you-- Scenario generation: drawing a picture of the future-- Communicating the future--even to the skeptical-- pt. 2. Drivers of the future. Aging: preparing for a new grey world-- Information technology: falling in price, increasing in power-- Health care: new gadgets vs. following doctors' orders-- Biotechnoogy: scratching the surface of the secrets of life-- Energy: getting more out of less-- Nanotechnologies: smaller is better-- Media and communications: six billion channels for six billion people-- Ecology and sustainability: growth can be good-- Epilogue: Where do we go from here?--

In the next 50 years, new technologies, shifting global economics, and many other factors will present innumerable changes for business and society to navigate. Starting now, leaders need to be more flexible, responsive, and decisive than ever before. Unfortunately, most people are not trained in the type of critical thinking required to anticipate what lies ahead. This groundbreaking book will change that. ; ; Futuring is not a matter of tea leaves and crystal balls -- it is a rigorous science based on time-tested analytical methods. Future, Inc. translates the proven techniques of professional futurists into accessible language and shows how to: ; ; * identify what is and what isn't changing at a given time, and how even small changes will affect whole businesses ; ; * use forecasting -- not ''predictions'' -- to pinpoint tomorrow's realities by looking at today's trends ; ; * employ scenarios to test the validity of potential strategies ; ; The author illustrates his advice with examples of companies whose foresight has given them an unparalleled advantage and identifies significant trends that will impact businesses in the future. Companies can't afford to be caught unaware. In order to survive and succeed, they need to look ahead. Future, Inc. provides the tools to bring the future into focus.



Business forecasting
Industrial management