The business plan workbook - 6th ed. - Kogan Page, 2008 - viii, 376 p. ; 24 cm.

How to use the workbook 1 Why prepare a business plan? - What backers look out for - Phase 1: History and position to date - Assignment 1: Business purpose and aims - Assignment 2: A description of your business - Assignment 3: A description of your products and/or-- services - Phase 2: Market research - Assignment 4: Customers - Assignment 5: Competitors - Assignment 6: A plan for market research - Phase 3: Competitive business strategy - Assignment 7: Pricing - Assignment 8: Advertising and promotion - Assignment 9: Place and distribution - Phase 4: Operations - Assignment 10: The selling methods plan - Assignment 11: Making, outsourcing and supplies - Assignment 12: People and related administrative-- procedures - Assignment 13: Legal and regulatory factors affecting-- operations - Assignment 14: Building a website - Assignment 15: Communication systems - Phase 5: Forecasting results - Assignment 16: The sales forecast - Assignment 17: Pro forma cash-flow statement - Assignment 18: Pro forma profit and loss statement - Assignment 19: Pro forma balance sheet - Assignment 20: Break-even analysis - Assignment 21: Financing requirements - Phase 6: Business controls - Assignment 22: Financial controls - Assignment 23: Sales and marketing controls - Assignment 24: Other business controls - Phase 7: Writing up and presenting your business plan - Assignment 25: Writing up and presenting your business - Appendix : Sources of business help, information and advice - Index.

Without a business plan no bank, venture capital house, or corporate parent will consider finance for start up, expansion or venture funding. ; The Business Plan Workbook has established itself as the essential guide to all aspects of business planning for entrepreneurs, senior executives and students alike. Based on methodology developed at Cranfield School of Management and using successful real-life business plans, The Business Plan Workbook brings together the process and procedures required to produce that persuasive plan. The case examples have been fully updated and include a cross section of businesses at various stages in their development, making the book invaluable reading for anyone in business - whatever their background.



Business planning
Business enterprises--Finance