Forsyth, Frederick 1938-

Odessa The Odessa file / Frederick Forsyth ; translated by Ana María de la Fuente - 1st edition - Barcelona : Penguin Random House, 2018. - 410 pages : 19 cm. - Forsyth, Frederick 1938- Biblioteca de Frederick Forsyth 4 . - Bestseller (Barcelona) 221/4 .

En 1963, un joven periodista alemán investiga las razones del suicidio de un viejo judío que deja unos diarios acusadores contra el jefe de un campo de exterminio: un hombre responsable de la muerte de miles de personas que aún no ha sido castigado. A medida que avanza en sus indagaciones, se topará con Odessa, una organización secreta de antiguos miembros de las SS. Así, poco a poco se verá obligado a sumergirse en un torbellino de aventuras que lo llevarán hasta su propio pasado familiar. In 1963, a young German journalist investigates the reasons behind the suicide of an old Jew who leaves behind accusatory diaries against the head of an extermination camp: a man responsible for the deaths of thousands of people who has not yet been punished. As he progresses in his investigations, he encounters Odessa, a secret organization of former SS members. Thus, gradually, he will be forced to immerse himself in a whirlwind of adventures that will lead him to his own family's past.


bimoBNE20030388728 SpMaBN

World War--1939-1945
War crimes investigation--Fiction

Thriller fiction
Historical fiction