Bernays, Edward, 1891-

Propaganda : a master spin doctor convinces the world that dogshit tastes better than candy / Edward Bernays, William Dean Garner. - 2021 platinum edition. - viii, 115 pages ; 23 cm

Edward Bernays was a brilliant manipulator who taught his techniques to hundreds of force-multipliers who, in turn, unleashed the insidious practices on the world.
This current volume has been revamped in a number of ways: lightly edited for clarity, subheadings added to improve readability, paragraphs broken up into more managable reads, newly designed interior and cover.
Our current volume is a remake of Bernays' original book. Our version does not include commentary on Bernays' thoughts or ideas, nor is it meant to. We have preserved this man's brilliant, if not twisted, thoughts on how to manage an entire population of subservient people, using a few provocative words and phrases that crawl under the skin of our easily programmed minds.
Our hope is that this updated version of a masterpiece will be read, studied and shared by a new generation of students and casual readers. Please form your own thoughts, opinions, beliefs and hypotheses. Beyond this, our wish for you is that you use this new-found information to do some good in this world.
Bernays thrust this material into our faces nearly a hundred years ago and flaunted his power over our subconscious mind. It is now our duty and responsibility to understand his methods so we may protest, if not counter entirely, any attempt to control our beautiful minds.
Knowledge isn't just power. Applied correctly, it all but guarantees victory in any arena.



