Farré, Natza,

Tinc algunes certeses i molts dubtes / Natza Farré - 1st ed. - 217 pages; 22 cm

It brings together a selection of articles originally published in the newspaper Ara.

Amb ironia i contundència, Natza Farré posa el dit a la nafra als principals problemes del nostre temps Natza Farré mira el món i s’hi rebel·la. Contra el racisme, la fòbia a la diversitat, la desigualtat, la monarquia, el futur del planeta, el malaltís índex de productivitat que regeix les nostres vides i totes les cares de la violència masclista. No proposa receptes infal·libles per a cap d’aquests problemes, però ens ofereix la seva mirada vibrant, incisiva i compromesa per fer-nos pensar de manera autònoma. Des de fa anys comparteix a la premsa cada setmana les lliçons apreses i les preguntes perpètues. Les reflexions que trobareu en aquest llibre, formulades amb la fermesa i l’humor que la caracteritzen, emergeixen d’un anhel profund de justícia, i són testimoni d’una sensibilitat i una saviesa singulars. Text a text, Natza Farré ens convida a trobar plegades la manera de viure una mica més en harmonia. «Quan era jove i llegia els articles dels diaris creia fermament que quan fos adulta tindria les idees tan clares com aquelles dones i homes que amb les seves reflexions m’ajudaven a teixir les meves pròpies. Aleshores encara no sabia que fer-se gran volia dir, entre d’altres coses, que augmenten les preguntes i escassegen les respostes. With irony and sharpness, Natza Farré points out the gaping wounds of our times. Natza Farré surveys the world and rebels against it. Against racism, fear of diversity, inequality, monarchy, the future of the planet, the sickly index of productivity that governs our lives, and all facets of male violence. She doesn't propose foolproof remedies for any of these issues, but offers us her vibrant, incisive, and committed perspective to encourage independent thinking. For years, she has shared in the press every week the lessons learned and the perpetual questions. The reflections you'll find in this book, formulated with the firmness and humor that characterize her, emerge from a deep longing for justice, and bear witness to a unique sensitivity and wisdom. Text by text, Natza Farré invites us to find together a way to live a little more harmoniously. "When I was young and read newspaper articles, I firmly believed that when I grew up, I would have ideas as clear as those women and men who, with their reflections, helped me weave my own. Back then, I didn't yet know that growing up meant, among other things, that questions increase and answers become scarce.


LL2022 bnc

Emigration and immigration--Psychological aspects.
Discrimination in criminal justice administration.
Gender-based violence

Newspaper articles