The art of SEO

The art of SEO - 3ª ed - O'Reilly, 2015 - xxxix + 992 p. ; 23 cm

mastering search engine optimization

Chapter 1 Search: Reflecting Consciousness and Connecting Commerce The Mission of Search Engines-- The Market Share of Search Engines-- The Human Goals of Searching-- Determining Searcher Intent: A Challenge for Search Marketers and Search Engines-- How People Search-- How Search Engines Drive Ecommerce-- The Mobile Shift-- The History of Eye Tracking: How Users Scan Results Pages-- Click Tracking: How Users Click on Results (Organic Versus Paid)-- Conclusion-- Chapter 2 Search Engine Basics-- Understanding Search Engine Results-- Algorithm-Based Ranking Systems: Crawling, Indexing, and Ranking-- Determining Searcher Intent and Delivering Relevant, Fresh Content-- The Knowledge Graph-- Analyzing Ranking Factors-- Using Advanced Search Techniques-- Vertical Search Engines-- Country-Specific Search Engines-- Conclusion-- Chapter 3 SEO Planning: Customizing Your Strategy-- Strategic Goals SEO Practitioners Can Fulfill-- Every SEO Strategy Should Be Customized-- Understanding Search Engine Traffic and Visitor Intent-- Developing an SEO Plan Prior to Site Development-- Understanding Your Audience and Finding Your Niche-- SEO for Raw Traffic-- SEO for Ecommerce Sales-- SEO for Mindshare and Branding-- SEO for Lead Generation and Direct Marketing-- SEO for Reputation Management-- SEO for Ideological Influence-- Advanced Methods for Planning and Evaluation-- Conclusion-- Chapter 4 SEO Implementation: First Stages-- The Importance of Planning-- Identifying the Site Development Process and Players-- Development Platform and Information Architecture-- Auditing an Existing Site to Identify SEO Problems-- Identifying Current Server Statistics Software and Gaining Access-- Determining Top Competitors-- Assessing Historical Progress-- Benchmarking Current Indexing Status-- Benchmarking Organic Rankings-- Benchmarking Current Traffic Sources and Volume-- Leveraging Business Assets for SEO-- Conclusion-- Chapter 5 Keyword Research-- The Theory Behind Keyword Research-- Traditional Approaches: Domain Expertise and Site Content Analysis-- Keyword Research Options-- Leveraging the Long Tail of Keyword Demand-- Trending, Seasonality, and Seasonal Fluctuations in Keyword Demand-- Conclusion-- Chapter 6 Developing an SEO-Friendly Website-- Making Your Site Accessible to Search Engines-- Creating an Optimal Information Architecture-- Root Domains, Subdomains, and Microsites-- Optimization of Domain Names/URLs-- Mobile Friendliness-- Keyword Targeting-- Content Optimization-- Duplicate Content Issues-- Controlling Content with Cookies and Session IDs-- Content Delivery and Search Spider Control-- Redirects-- Content Management System Issues-- Best Practices for Multilanguage/Country Targeting-- Semantic Search-- Google Authorship and Author Authority-- Google's Knowledge Graph and the Knowledge Vault-- Conclusion-- Chapter 7 Content Marketing-- How Links Historically Influenced Search Engine Rankings-- Further Refining How Search Engines Judge Links-- Creating Content That Attracts Links-- Introduction to Content Marketing-- Choosing the Right Content Marketing Strategy-- Types of Content Marketing Campaigns-- Building an Audience-- Relationships and Outreach-- Other Ways to Earn Links-- How Search Engines Fight Link Spam-- Social Networking for Links-- Conclusion-- Chapter 8 How Social Media and User Data Play a Role in Search Results and Rankings-- Correlation Between Social Signals and Google Rankings-- What Is the Value of Social Signals?-- Bing's Experiments with Social Signals-- Does Google Use Facebook as a Ranking Signal?-- Does Google Use Twitter as a Ranking Signal?-- Does Google Use Google+ as a Ranking Signal?-- The Indirect Influence of Social Media Marketing-- Monitoring, Measuring, and Improving Social Media Marketing: Best Practices-- User Engagement as a Measure of Search Quality-- Document Analysis-- Optimizing User Experience to Improve SEO-- Additional Social Media Resources-- Conclusion-- Chapter 9 Panda, Penguin, and Penalties-- Diagnosing the Cause of a Traffic Loss-- Summary of Major Google Algorithms-- Panda-- Penguin-- Penalties-- Conclusion-- Chapter 10 Mobile, Local, and Vertical SEO-- The Mobile Landscape-- App SEO: Deep Linking and Indexing for Mobile Search-- Optimizing for Vertical Search-- Optimizing for Local Search-- Optimizing for Image Search-- Optimizing for Google Shopping Search-- Optimizing for Blog Search-- Optimizing for News Search: Google News-- Optimizing for Video/Multimedia Search-- Conclusion-- Chapter 11 Tracking Results and Measuring Success-- Why Measuring Success Is Essential to the SEO Process-- Measuring Search Traffic-- Tying SEO to Conversion and ROI-- Competitive and Diagnostic Search Metrics-- Key Performance Indicators for Long-Tail SEO-- Other Third-Party Tools-- Conclusion-- Chapter 12 Domain Changes, Redesigns, and Troubleshooting-- The Basics of Moving Content-- Maintaining Search Engine Visibility During and After a Site Redesign-- Maintaining Search Engine Visibility During and After Domain Name Changes-- Changing Servers-- Hidden Content-- Spam Filtering and Penalties-- Content Theft-- Changing SEO Vendors or Staff Members-- Conclusion-- Chapter 13 SEO Education and Research-- SEO Research and Search Performance Analysis-- Competitive Analysis-- Using Search Engine-Supplied SEO Tools-- The SEO Industry on the Web-- Participation in Conferences and Organizations-- Conclusion-- Chapter 14 SEO Support: In-House, External, or Both?-- The Business of SEO-- Using In-House SEO Talent Versus Outsourced Support: Dynamics and Challenges-- The Case for Working with an Outside Expert-- The Impact of Site Complexity on SEO Workload-- Solutions for Small Organizations-- Solutions for Large Organizations-- Hiring SEO Talent-- Selecting an SEO Firm/Consultant-- Mixing In-House SEO with Outside SEO Help-- Building a Culture of SEO into Your Organization-- Conclusion-- Chapter 15 An Evolving Art Form: The Future of SEO-- The Ongoing Evolution of Search-- More Searchable Content and Content Types-- More Personalized, Localized, and User-Influenced Search-- Increasing Importance of Local, Mobile, and Voice Search-- Increased Market Saturation and Competition-- SEO as an Enduring Art Form-- The Future of Semantic Search and the Knowledge Graph-- Conclusion--

Three acknowledged experts in search engine optimization share guidelines and innovative techniques that will help you plan and execute a comprehensive SEO strategy. Complete with an array of effective tactics from basic to advanced, this third edition prepares digital marketers for 2016 with updates on SEO tools and new search engine optimization methods that have reshaped the SEO landscape ; ; Novices will receive a thorough SEO education, while experienced SEO practitioners get an extensive reference to support ongoing engagements. ; ; Comprehend SEO's many intricacies and complexities ; Explore the underlying theory and inner workings of search engines ; Understand the role of social media, user data, and links ; Discover tools to track results and measure success ; Examine the effects of Google's Panda and Penguin algorithms ; Consider opportunities in mobile, local, and vertical SEO ; Build a competent SEO team with defined roles ; Glimpse the future of search and the SEO industry ; Visit the book website ( for FAQs and to post your own burning questions. You'll have access to special offers and discounts on various SEO tools and services. You can also get exclusive access to instructional videos related to the concepts in the book by sending an email to



Web sites--Design
Web site development
Web search engines
Internet marketing
Web sites--Ratings and rankings
Program transformation (Computer programming)
Internet searching

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