Distance in international business

Distance in international business - Emerald, 2018 - xv + 548 p. ; 24 cm - Progress in International Business Research; 12 .

concept, cost and value

Ch. 1 Distance in International Business Studies: Concept, Cost and Value / Jonas Puck -- pt. I THE CONCEPT OF DISTANCE ---- ch. 2 Are We at a Turning Point For Distance Research in International Business Studies? / Douglas Dow ---- ch. 3 Institutional Overlap as Basis For International Business / Robbert Maseland ---- ch. 4 How Do Managers' Deviant Perceptions of 'Cultural Distance' Relate to the Performance of International SMEs? / Rian Drogendijk ---- ch. 5 The Concept of Institutional and Cultural Compatibility / Tilo Halaszovich ---- ch. 6 The Direction of Regulatory Institutional Distance And MNE's Subsidiary Ownership Strategy: Re-Examining Theory And Evidence in the Case of Emerging Markets / Vikrant Shiroclkar ---- pt. II THE COST OF CULTURAL AND PSYCHIC DISTANCE ---- ch. 7 Ownership Strategy and Subsidiary Survival in Foreign Acquisitions: The Moderating Effects of Experience, Cultural Distance, and Host Country Development / Jorma Larimo ---- ch. 8 The Psychic Distance Hazards in Cross-Border Acquisition Performance: An Empirical Study of Cross-Border Acquisitions From 26 Countries / Francisco Vitorino Martins ---- ch. 9 Why Does Psychic Distance Inhibit International Buyer-Supplier Relationships? / Guido A.J.M. Berens ---- pt. III THE COST OF INSTITUTIONAL DISTANCE ---- ch. 10 Institutional Distance and Location Choice: New Empirical Evidence From Emerging-Market MNEs / Laura Rienda ---- ch. 11 Firm Resources, Institutional Distance, and the Choice of Entry Mode / Thomas Lindner ---- ch. 12 How the Direction of Institutional Distance Influences Foreign Entry Mode Choices: An Information Economics Perspective / Arjen H.L. Slangen ---- ch. 13 Equity Commitment in Cross-Border Acquisitions: The Influence of Distance and Organizational Resources / Jorma Larimo ---- pt. IV THE VALUE OF DISTANCE ---- ch. 14 The Geography of International Knowledge Sourcing: Looking Back and Moving Forward / Grazia D. Santangelo ---- ch. 15 CSR Implementation in MNEs: The Role of Distance and Prioritization of Demands / Anne Jacqueminet ---- ch. 16 Breaking Bad? The Effect of Faultline Strength and Distance on Relationship Conflict, and Performance in Teams. A CONDITIONAL PROCESS MODEL / Ursula Pregernig ---- ch. 17 When Distance is Good: An Upper-Echelons Perspective on the Role of Distance in Internationalization / Dorota Piaskowska ---- ch. 18 How to Internationalize A Traditional Portuguese-Style Food ---- Liability or Asset of Portugueseness? / Maria Elo ---- pt. V ALTERNATIVE LENSES FOR IB RESEARCH ---- ch. 19 Liabilities of Distance: Governance Cost Dynamics in MNE Headquarters ---- Subsidiary Relationships / Sverre Tomassen ---- ch. 20 Reducing Psychic Distance Through Springboard Subsidiaries: An Exploratory Case Study / Paloma Miravitlles ---- ch. 21 Cultural Distance, Reputation Transferability, and Cross-Border Acquisitions: A Consumer Perspective / Riccardo Resciniti ---- ch. 22 Domestic Alliance Formation and the Foreign Divestment Decisions of Firms / Gabriel R.G. Benito.--

This research and teaching volume has been composed in honour of Rosalie Tung, a distinguished institution builder, thought leader and educator in the field of international business (IB). The volume addresses Rosalie Tung's main research focus in a career that has already spanned several decades, namely the analysis of distance facing multinational enterprises (MNEs), with a focus on state-of-the-art conceptual and fact-based empirical developments in the realm of cultural and institutional distance elements. The impact of distance on international business transactions and operations remains ill-understood. How should distance be conceptualized? Which dimensions of distance should be considered? Is distance always a cost, or can it sometimes confer value? This twelfth volume in the Progress in International Business Research series presents extensive accounts of the contemporary scientific debate on how to assess the impacts of distance, both negative and positive ones, on the conduct of international business. This volume covers five dimensions related to the concept, cost and value of distance, in International business: the concept of distance; the cost of cultural and psychic distance; the cost of institutional distance; the value of distance; alternative lenses for IB research.



Interorganizational relations
International business enterprises
Globalization--Economic aspects

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