Launching Successful Ventures

Launching Successful Ventures - Los Angeles ; London ; New Delhi ; Singapore ; Washington DC ; Melbourne SAGE, 2019 - xxi, 325 p. 24 cm.

Includes case studies, bibliographical references and index. TOC:-- Chapter 1. The Entrepreneurial Venture-- Chapter 2. Creativity and Market Viability-- Chapter 3. Industry and Competitive Analysis-- Chapter 4. New Venture Marketing-- Chapter 5. The Financial Plan-- Chapter 6. Cash Flow Management-- Chapter 7. The Founder and the New Venture Team-- Chapter 8. Forms of Ownership-- Chapter 9. The Business Plan-- Chapter 10. Equity Capital-- Chapter 11. Debt and Alternative Forms of Investment Capital-- Chapter 12. Structuring the Deal-- Chapter 13. Harvesting the Venture-- Case 1: Never Underestimate the Power of Marketing-- Case 2: A Little Bit of Science Never Hurts-- Case 3: When Adversity Strikes-- Case 4: Knowing When to Regroup-- Case 5: When to Trust Your Gut-- Case 6: Listen to Customers and Advance Incrementally-- Case 7: Mitigate Risk-- Case 8: Venture Capitalist Turned Entrepreneur-- Case 9: Living an Entrepreneur's Life-- Case 10: To Sell or Not to Sell--

The majority of new businesses don't survive their first year. Launching Successful Ventures teaches students the nuts and bolts of creating new ventures while helping them avoid the common pitfalls that often lead to failure. Entrepreneurial exercises, case studies, step-by-step guidelines, and in-depth coverage of important financial topics such as managing cash flow, equity capital, and debt and investment capital are designed to help students build sustainable, lucrative ventures. Authored by successful serial entrepreneurs and award-winning researchers Michael Fountain and Tom Zimmerer, this new text provides a concise, practical guide for students seeking to develop high-growth ventures.



New business enterprises--Management
New business enterprises--Finance

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