Artificial intelligence : 101 things you must know today about our future

Rouhiainen, Lasse,

Artificial intelligence : 101 things you must know today about our future / Lasse Rouhiainen - 284 pages: illustracions ; 22 cm

Will advances in AI (Artificial Intelligence) or IA (Intelligence Amplification) lead to the extinction of the human race as we know it? Or, will superintelligence lead to utopia? In this collection of thoughtful essays, we must first get clear on the question: is artificial intelligence actually intelligent or not? Only with an affirmative answer could our techies proceed toward their goal: the creation of a superintelligence that leads through transhumanism to a posthuman entity that would replace today's human. Should today's moderately intelligent human species voluntarily go extinct to make way for a more intelligent species to succeed us in evolutionary history? These scientific questions are addressed in this volume in light of their theological, ethical, and social implications.

9781982048808 1982048808

Artificial Intelligence

Bibliography B3 DATA The Business Aspect of Artificial Intelligence

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