Curs de feminisme per microones

Farré, Natza,

Curs de feminisme per microones / Natza Farré - 8th ed., first in this collection - 184 pages; 20 cm - Ara Temes Clau .

An express feminism course, with reasons and arguments, data and examples, and also irony and a touch of sarcasm. A denunciation of the hidden masculinity in all areas of our daily life - education, language, culture, the media, politics - and a call to deal with it in a radical way: with the revolution 21st century feminist that will change everything, because it will change women. Natza Farré emerges as a vindictive, enthusiastic and rebellious voice who writes, from the most absolute nonconformism, that women must be feminists by nature. If they are not, this book will convince them. Un curs de feminisme exprés, amb raons i arguments, dades i exemples, i també ironia i un punt de sarcasme. Una denúncia al masclisme encobert en tots els àmbits de la nostra vida quotidiana —l’educació, la llengua, la cultura, els mitjans de comunicació, la política…— i una crida a fer-li front d’una manera radical: amb la revolució feminista del segle XXI que ho canviarà tot, perquè canviarà les dones. Natza Farré s’erigeix com una veu reivindicativa, entusiasta i rebel que escriu, des de l’inconformisme més absolut, que les dones han de ser feministes per naturalesa. Si no ho són, aquest llibre les acabarà de convèncer.

An express feminism course, with reasons and arguments, data and examples, and also irony and a touch of sarcasm. A denunciation of the hidden masculinity in all areas of our daily life - education, language, culture, the media, politics - and a call to deal with it in a radical way: with the revolution 21st century feminist that will change everything, because it will change women. Natza Farré emerges as a vindictive, enthusiastic and rebellious voice who writes, from the most absolute nonconformism, that women must be feminists by nature. If they are not, this book will convince them.


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