Fundamentals of marketing

Fundamentals of marketing - Routledge, 2007 - xxiv + 480 p ; 25 cm

Chapter 1 Marketing: development and scope of the subject Learning objectives -- 1.1 Introduction -- 1.2 Story of marketing -- 1.3 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 2 Strategic marketing and the planning process -- Learning objectives -- 2.1 Introduction -- 2.2 Marketing environment -- 2.3 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 3 Consumer buyer behaviour -- Learning objectives -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Economic theory -- 3.3 Freud and psychoanalysis -- 3.4 Freud¿s legacy: changing social characters -- 3.5 Gender identity -- 3.6 Behaviourism -- 3.7 Cognitive Information Processing -- 3.8 Consumer involvement -- 3.9 Behaviourist explanation of involvement -- 3.10 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 4 Industrial buyer behaviour -- Learning objectives -- 4.1 Introduction -- 4.2 Types of organisational markets -- 4.3 Organisational buying centre -- 4.4 Business-to-Business buying process -- 4.5 Comparison between Business-to-Business and consumer buying behaviour -- 4.6 New approaches to Business-to-Business buying behaviour -- 4.7 Strategic use of technology in buying: intranets and extranets -- 4.8 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 5 Marketing Research -- Learning objectives -- 5.1 Introduction -- 5.2 Structure of the marketing research industry -- 5.3 Marketing research methodology -- 5.4 Sampling methods -- 5.5 Questionnaire design -- 5.6 Attitude, beliefs and behaviour -- 5.7 Definition of marketing mix -- 5.8 Marketing research industry controls -- 5.9 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 6 Segmentation, targeting and positioning -- Learning objectives -- 6.1 Introduction -- 6.2 Market segmentation -- 6.3 Selecting target markets -- 6.4 Positioning -- 6.5 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 7 Branding -- Learning objectives -- 7.1 Introduction -- 7.2 Brief modern history of branding -- 7.3 Brand decisions -- 7.4 Mainstream explanation of branding -- 7.5 Brand loyalty -- 7.6 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 8 Product -- Learning objectives -- 8.1 Introduction -- 8.2 Characteristics of the product life cycle (PLC) and their marketing implications -- 8.3 Summary of PLC characteristics -- 8.4 Facets of the PLC -- 8.5 New product development (NPD) -- 8.6 Market diffusion process -- 8.7 Organising for new product development -- 8.8 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 9 Pricing -- Learning objectives -- 9.1 Introduction -- 9.2 Price and the marketing mix -- 9.3 Pricing objectives -- 9.4 Setting pricing objectives -- 9.5 Factors affecting pricing decisions -- 9.6 Setting a price -- 9.7 Pricing industrial goods -- 9.8 Pricing and Information Technology (IT) -- 9.9 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 10 Promotion -- Learning objectives -- 10.1 Introduction -- 10.2 Relations between corporate and marketing communications -- 10.3 Communications process -- 10.4 Marketing communications process -- 10.5 Planning marketing communications campaigns -- 10.6 Communications contact techniques -- 10.7 IT influence on advertising media -- Conclusion -- -- Chapter 11 Place: channels of distribution -- Learning objectives -- 11.1 Introduction -- 11.2 Channel constraints -- 11.3 Structure of channels of distribution -- 11.4 Intermediaries within channels of distribution -- 11.5 Types of retail franchise agreements -- 11.6 Developments in retailing -- 11.7 Development in IT -- 11.8 International expansion of the retail industry -- 11.9 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 12 Virtual marketing -- Learning objectives -- 12.1 Introduction -- 12.2 Internet -- 12.3 World Wide Web -- 12.4 Consumer behaviour on the Web -- 12.5 Marketing and the Internet -- 12.6 Conclusion -- -- Chapter 13 Planning and implementation -- Learning objectives -- 13.1 Introduction -- 13.2 Setting the mission, aims and objectives -- 13.3 Conclusion --

Fundamentals of Marketing provides a sound appreciation of the fundamentals of the theory and practice of marketing. Using case studies drawn from a cross section of sectors, in particular the banking, hospitality, retail and public service sectors this textbook critically evaluates the effectiveness of different marketing strategies and approaches. Exploring the principles of marketing this volume engages the reader, not only in theory but also in practice, using a broad range of real-life case studies such as Coca Cola, Apple, FCUK, Virgin,, Barnes and Noble, Dyno Rod and New Zealand wool. ; ; The text analyzes the marketing mix: product development, pricing, promotion (and communications marketing) and place (channels of distribution). It also emphasizes the role of Marketing Information Systems (MIS) using internal reporting, marketing intelligence and marketing research including the contribution from marketing research agencies and reviews the role of technology, e-commerce and the Internet in supporting successful marketing. ; ; Featuring a support website that provides student and lecturer resources, Fundamentals of Marketing conveys the main principles of marketing in a challenging yet accessible manner and provides the reader with insights into the workings of marketing today.




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