
Self-Awareness - Harvard Business Review Press, 2019 - 162 p. 18 cm. - HBR Emotional Intelligence .

Includes index. 1. The first component of emotional intelligence-- 2. What self-awareness really is (and how to cultivate it)-- 3. Successful leaders know what made them who they are-- 4. Two ways to clarify your professional passions-- 5. Emotional agility-- 6. Why you should make time for self-reflection (even if you hate doing it)-- 7. You, by the numbers-- 8. How are you perceived at work? Here's an exercise to find out-- 9. How to solicit negative feedback when your manager doesn't want to give it-- 10. Find the coaching in criticism-- 11. Shakespeare's characters show us how personal growth should happen--

Self-awareness is the bedrock of emotional intelligence that enables you to see your talents, shortcomings, and potential. But you won't be able to achieve true self-awareness with the usual quarterly feedback and self-reflection alone. This book will teach you how to understand your thoughts and emotions, how to persuade your colleagues to share what they really think of you, and why self-awareness will spark more productive and rewarding relationships with your employees and bosses. This volume includes the work of: Daniel Goleman, Robert Steven Kaplan, and Susan David.



Emotional intelligence

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