Break the cycle!

Break the cycle! - Amsterdam Warden Press, 2018 - 122 p. 21 cm.

how managers block change without realizing it

TOC: 1 Recognize persistent situations-- 2 Be aware of your thinking about change-- 3 See what you do when the going gets tough-- 4 Understand how you are perpetuating the situation-- 5 Dare to discuss the undiscussable-- 6 Start small--

Most modern managers know much of what there is to know about change management. Still, things often go wrong in practice. This is almost entirely because our actions are not always steered by our knowledge. Without realizing it, we make assumptions about our employees that end up causing trouble for us. And we tend to subconsciously behave in a way that undermines employees' initiative and sense of responsibility. To be able to break out of such sticky situations, you need to understand how you, as the manager, are in fact creating and perpetuating these situations yourself.



Organizational behavior
Managers behavior

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